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The Great Pyramid Its Time Features. Part II of 1914 A.D. and the Great Pyramid / by Morton Edgar. Glasgow: Bone & Hulley, 1924

Collection number: NAMOSRL DT63.5 .E43 (Non-Circulating)


Section I. Introductory (p.13-14)

The Great Pyramid Commands Attention (p.14-16)

The Great l'yramid Is a Prophet (p.16-18)

Section II. The Chronological Dates of the Scriptures (p.19-22)

Section III. Chronological Periods Examined (p.23)

The Period of 1656 Years (p.23-26)

The Period of 427 Years from the Flood to the date of God's Covenant with Abraham (p.27)

The Period of 430 Years from the Abrahamic Covenant to the Exodus from Egypt and the giving of the Law (p.27-29)

The Period of 46 Years from the Exodus to the Division of the Land among the Twelve Tribes of Israel (p.30-31)

The Period of 450 Years of the Judges (p.31-33)

The Period of 513 Years of the Kings of Judah (p.33-35)

Thu Period of 70 Years Desolation of Jerusalem and the Land of Judea (p.35-40)

The Period of 536 Years from the End of the 70 Years Desolation, to 1 A.D. (p.40-42)

The 'Period of 1872 Years (p.42)

Section IV. Historical Year Represented by the Pyramid Inch (p.43-44)

The Duration of the Solar Tropical Year (p.44)

The Beginning of the Year (p.44-45)

The Duration of the Synodic Month (p.45)

The Pyramid's Method of Recording Periods of Time (p.46)

Section V. The Measurements and Angles of the Great Pyramid (p.47-48)

Value of the π Ratio (p.49)

Tthe Casing-Stone Angle (p.49-50)

The Passage Angle (p.50-51)

Section VI. Symbolisms of the Great Pyramid (p.52-56)

Section VII. The Dates of Christ's Birth, Baptism, and Crucifixion (p.57-58)

The Beginning of Jesus Christ's Ministry (p.58-59)

The Birth of Jesus (p.59-60)

The Duration of Jesus Christ's Ministry (p.60-61)

The Great Pyramid Corroborates the Dates of Christ's Birth, Baptism, and Crucifixion (p.61-63)

The 30 and 33½ Inch-Year Measurements (p.63-64)

Section VIII. The Covenant (p.65-68)

The "Extended" Length of the First Ascending Passage ls Proportionate to the Whole Pyramid (p.68-69)

The Length of the Granite Plug (p.70)

The Position of the Granite Plug (p.70-71)

The Significance of the Numbers 7 and 400 (p.71-73)

Section IX. The Gospel Age : Call and Trial of Christ's "Body'' (p.74)

The Two Ways of Gaining the Grand Gallery (p.74-76)

The Beginning of the Gospel Age (p.76-77)

The "Feet" Members of the Body of Christ, and their Work (p.77-78)

Section X. The Significance of the Horizontal Passage (p.79-80)

How the Length of the Horizontal Passage Indicates the Period of 7000 Years of the World's History (p.80-82)

The Length of the Horizontal Passage is Geometrically Exact (p.83-84)

The Horizontal Passage and the 7040 Years’ Period (p.84-86)

Section XI. The Descending Passage : Its Significance and its Measurements (p.87-91)

Lower Terminals of Descending Passage (p.91-92)

The “Point of lntersection” (p.92)

The Symbolical Significance and Length of the Descending Passage (p.93-98)

Section XII. The date 1914 A.D. Monumentalised in the Great Pyramid (p.99-100)

The First Appearance of the King (p.100-101)

The "Seven Times” that Passed Over Nebuchadnezzar (p.101)

1914 A.D. was the End of the “Seven Times” (p.102)

The First Appearing of Israel's King was Necessary (p.102-103)

The Great Pyramid's Precise Indication of the Dates of our Lord's First Advent (p.103-105)

The Duration of the Gospel Age (p.105-107)

Section XIII. The "Seven Times'' Measurement in the Great Pyramid (p.108-110)

Section XIV. Time-Parallels in the Jewish and Gospel Ages (p.111-112)

“The Babylonish Captivity of the Papacy” (p.112)

Rome Identified with "Babylon the Great” (p.112-113)

The Beginning of the Decline of "Babylon the Great” (p.113-114)

Marsiglio, the “Morning Star of the Reformation” (p.114-116)

Wycliffe aud the “Great Papal Schism” (p.116-117)

The Reformation Work of Huss was Secular as well as Spiritual (p.117-118)

The Invention of Printing, and the Revival of Learning (p.118-119)

The Condition of the Religious World at the First and Second Advents of Jesus Christ (p.119-120)

Section XV. The Second Advent (p.121-124)

Section XVI. The Jewish "Double" : The Resurrection of the “Body” of Christ (p.125-129)

The Ante-Chamber and the 144,000 Overcomers (p.130)

Section XVII. The Grand Gallery and the 144,000 (p.131-134)

A 1915-Year Indication (p.134-135)

Another Indication of the 144,000 (p.136-137)

Section XVIII. Further Indications of the 1914 A.D. Date (p.138-140)

Another Indication of the 1914 A.D. Date (p.140)

The 144,000, and the 2915-Year Period (p.141)

The Rectangle, and its Close Indication of the Duration of the Solar Tropical Year (p.142)

Section XIX. The Flood, and Christ's Baptism (p.143-145)

Section XX. First Adam’s 1000-Year “Day” (p.146-148)

Adam’s 930 Years Shown by the Pyramid (p.148)

Section XXI. The First Adam (p.149-150)

Section XXII. The Complete Period of Salvation (p.151-153)

Section XXIII. Second Adam's 1000-year ”Day” (p.154-156)

Section XXIV. The Connection between the Great Pyramid and Bethlehem, and the 2138 and 1915 Periods of Years (p.157)

The 2138-Year Indication (p.157-158)

The 1915-Year Indication (p.158-159)

Section XXV. The Harmony of the 2138 Period of Years with the Plan of the Ages (p.160)

The Measure of 2138 Proportionately Related to the Lower Reach of the Descending Passage (p.161-162)

The 2138 Period Indicated by the Two Levels of the King's and Queen's Chambers (p.162-163)

The Geometrical ·Relationship between the two Adjoining Periods of 2138 and 1915 Years (p.163)

The Two Periods of 2138 and 1915 Years are Geometrically Related to the Precessional Cycle period (p.164-165)

Section XXVI. The Symmetrical Connection between the Solar Year, the Precessional Cycle, and the 1915-Year, Periods (p.166-169)

The Solar Year, the Precession, and 1915, Connected by the Pyramid's Dimensions (p.169-170)

Section XXVII. The Pre-Historic" Zero" Year Indication (p.171)

The Method by which the" Zero'' Year is Indicated (p.171-173)

The Interval between the "Zero" Year and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (p.173-1974)

Dimensional Proportions Connected with the “Zero” Point. A Precessional Cycle Indication (p.174-175)

The “Zero” Point Level Indicates the Size of the Pyramid (p.175-177)

The “Shortening” of the Time (p.177-180)


  • Publication: 1924


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.


1 Books : 5 preliminary leaves, 13-180 pages : illustrations (including maps, plans) plates, diagrams ; 23 cm



Repository Details

Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)