Folder 8: Newspaper and Journal Articles: General
Scope and Contents
Writer's Persistence Pays Off:-5//93-in box with newspaper articles on specific novels
Live Oaks and Shrewd Woman
Kaye Gibbons looks back in anger
Low-Key Writer’s Festival Reaches Wider Audience
Book Talk-Chattanooga times-4/25/99
Conference was opportunity to appreciate writing craft-Thomasville Times-Enterprise-4/13/99
A meeting of wordsmiths-Thomasville Times Enterprise-4/1/99
The good, bad and ugly get equal time in Daugharty's tales 3/29/98
Georgia Author Draws Attentive Audience-Monticello, Florida New-2/3/99
A Sense of Place-Chattanooga Times/Chattanooga Free Press-3/7/99
Another O'Connor?-Thomasville Time-Enterprise-1/27/99
A book bag of writers converges on the city 11/23/97
Mingling with saints: Nice work, and I got it Atlanta Journal/The Atlanta Constitution-11/21/97
Write where You Know-Writer's Digest-5/97
HarperFlamingo: Highlighting the Literary-Publishers Weekly-9/1/97
Embracing life in the `the lusty month of May'- The Atlanta Journal-5/5/97
Betterread Ruined by Reading isn't a bad way to be- Folio-4/15/97
Book reflects efforts of Rawlings the poet, Florida Times Union-4/13/97
Writers featured by VSU conference, The Spectator, 4/10/97
Reading, sure, but greeting? Atlanta Journal Constitution, 4/14/97
Oh, the things we writers say, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 1/24/97
Writer-in-Residence, Bulletin, Fall 1996
Press Release, Enjoy A Delectable, 11/11/96
From raga to readings, Folio-11/5/96
The Eighth Annual Southern Festival of Books-Nashville Scene-1996
Southern Festival of Books-AtlantaJournal/Constitution-8/18/96
The Week in Georgia -
Post card-Lee Smith
The Week in Georgia-8/4/96
Book Notes-The Atlanta Journal/Constitution-4/11/96
Reception slated for Janice Daugharty-Clinch County News-3/20/96
Creative Writers festival slated 28-29 at Motlow College-Tullahoma, TN-3/17/96
Book signing-Albany, GA-3/14/96
South Georgia Author to Appear at NFCC Lyceum-Madison County Carrier-2/21/96
Campus Capsules-Brunswick College-2/96
Author to be in town Tuesday-Bainbridge, GA-Post Searchlight-1/27/96
Daugharty emerges as major voice-Tifton Gazette-7/29/95
HarperCollins Publishers-2/95
The 1996 Twonsend Prize for Fiction Nominations-
Patient Prose Local author's literary style is a triumph of will, The Albany Herald, 10/16/94
Book Notes-
Daugharty addresses Friends of the Library-Suburb of Charlotte, NC
Southern novelist to speak March 11
Bestsellers- Hardcover
From rags to readings-folio weekly fall book
Habersham Review presents Janice Daugharty
- 1980-
- Other: Majority of material found within 1990-
- Acquired: 2000-08-04
- From the Collection: Daugharty, Janice (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 48.00 Boxes
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository
Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)