Scope and Contents
1. 5x7 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1959 page 102, 3 players attempting rebound & #11 in background 2. 4x5 photograph of Jerry Studdard (#15), Pine Cone 1959 page 100 3. 5x7 photograph unidentified, Campus Canopy Jan. 28, 1969 page 5, team member fights for the victory against #43 4. 3 1/2x6 photograph of Willie Oxford, page 7 5. 3 1/2x6 photograph of John Trimnell, page 10 6. 2x7 photograph of Willie Oxford on 11/28 7. 6x6 photograph of John Trimnells, page 8 8. 6x7 photograph of Willie Oxford, page 14 9. 5x7 photograph unidentified,Valdosta State College 1988 Bulletin page 32, #20 shooting the ball 10. 8x12 photograph of Tommy Johnson (#21) & Bibby Ritch (#44), Pine Cone 1966 page 22 11. 8x12 photograph of Douglas Parrish, Pine Cone 1958 page 96 12. 8x12 photograph of VSC Basketball team, Pine Cone 1958 page 96 Standing: Mike Newman, Jimmy Stovall, Ah Stephens, Gene Cowgile, Douglas Parrish, Ben Wood, & Coach Cottingham Kneeling: Johnny Pervis, Louie Shipes, Ed Gandy, O.W. Hodge, & James David 13. 8x12 photograph of Mike Terry (#30) & Ron Fortner (#13), Pine Cone 1968 page 115 14. 8x12 photograph of Ron Fortner (#13) & Robert McKenney (#25), Pine Cone 1968 page 119 15. 8x12 photograph of Coach Jimm Melvin (left) & Coach Gary Colson (right), Pine Cone 1968 page 117 16. 8x12 photograph of Co-Captains Bryan Phillips (#45) & Mike Terry (#30), Pine Cone 1968 page 117 17. 5x7 photograph of Mike Terry, Pine Cone 1966 page 119 18. 5x7 photograph of Ron Fortner, Pine Cone 1966 page 118 19. 8x12 photograph of VSC basketball team, Pine Cone 1966 page 116 Back Row(from left to right): Robert DeLoach, Gene Deariso, (#22) Letson Plant, (#15) Gwyndell McSwain, (#33) Paul Weitman, Coach Calson, Coach Summerford Front Row(from left to right): (#21) Tommy Johnson, (#20) Ray McCully, (#44) Bobby Ritch, (#10) Ben Bates, (#30) Mike Terry, (#12) Bob Lamphier, (#13) Ron Fortner 20. 8x12 photograph of Ray McCully & Bobby Ritch, Pine Cone 1966 page 110 21. 5x7 photograph of Paul Weitman, Pine Cone 1966 page 119 22. 5x7 photograph of Ben Bates, Pine Cone 1966 page 119 23. 5x7 photograph of Letson Plant, Pine Cone 1966 page 118 24. 5x7 photograph Tommy Johnson, Pine Cone 1966 page 118 25. 8x12 photograph of (#13) Ron Fortner & (#21) Tommy Johnson, Pine Cone 1966 page 22 26. 8x12 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1966 page 23, Basketball team sitting down w/ spectators in background 27. 8x12 photograph of Mike Terry (#30) & Bryan Phillips McSwain (#45), date unknown, Pine Cone page 88 & 89 28. 8x12 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1966 page 26, 5 players jumping for the ball 29. 8x12 photograph of Ray McCully (#20) & Paul Weitman (#33), Pine Cone 1966 page 24 30. 8x12 photograph of Gwendell McSwain, Ray McCully, Paul Weitman, Pine Cone 1966 page 22 31. 8x12 photograph of John Trimwell & Robert McKenney, Pine Cone 1967 page 95 32. 8x12 photograph of Ben Bates (#10), Mike Terry (#30), Ron Fortner (#13), Paul Vick (#33), Pine Cone 1967 page 91 33. 8x12 photograph of Bryan Phillips (#45), Ron Fortner (#13), Mike Terry (#30), Pine Cone 1967 page 92 34. 8x12 photograph of Bob Sockington (#12), Dale Croft (#14), & Robert McKenney (#25), Pine Cone 1967 page 95 35. 8x12 photograph of Bryan Phillips (#45) & Paul Vick (#33), Pine Cone 1967 page 90 36. 8x12 photograph of Gwyndell McSwain (#15), Bob Lamphier (#12), Pine Cone 1967 page 91 37. 8x12 photograph of Co-Captains Mac McSwain & Paul Vick, Pine Cone 1967 page 87 38. 8x12 photograph of John Tumnell, Robert McKenney, Dale Craft (#31), & Tommy Hobbs (#12), Pine Cone 1967 page 94 39. 8x12 photograph of Wendell McSwain (#15), Bryan Phillips (#45), & Ron Fortner (#13), Pine Cone 1967 page 88 & 89 40. 8x12 photograph of Ron Fortner (#13), Bryan Phillips (#45), & player beside (#24) GA Southern is Gwendall McSwain (#15), Pine Cone 1967 page 89 41. 5x7 photograph of Mike Terry, Pine Cone 1967 page 88 42. 5x7 photograph of Ron Fortner, Pine Cone 1967 page 3 43. 5x7 photograph of Bryan Phillips, Pine Cone 1967 page 88 44. 8x12 photograph of Bobby Ritch (#44), Pine Cone 1966 page 24 45. 8x12 photograph of Russell Popham (#33), Pine Cone 1966 page 22 46. 8x12 photograph Gwendall McSwain, Pine Cone 1966 page 23 47. 5x6 photographs of Tommy Morrell (#10), Dale Croft (#14), Bob Lamphier (#12), Mike Terry (#30), Bryan Phillips (#45), & Robert McKinney (#25), date unknown 48. 8x12 photograph of VSC Basketball team, Pine Cone 1959-60 page 98 Front Row: Jan Rogers, John Moye, Hansel Fawlkner, Wayne Garrick, John McIntyre, Wain Studdard, Jerry Studdard 2nd Row: Gene Hallmanager, Coach Gary Colson, Gene Peacock, Buck Ethredge, Doug Parrish, Al Stevens, Pat Tomlinson, & Hal Worley (manager) 49. 8x12 photograph of VSC Basketball team, date unknown, Pine Cone page 94. Back Row: Manager-Terry Ritch, Paul O'Brian, Bob Sockington, Robert McKenney, Dale Craft, John Trimnell, Coach Melvin Front Row: Gary Vaught, Tommy Morrell, Gary Voohrus, Tom Hobbs, & Johnny Oliver 50. 5x7 photograph of Jack Hart (#42), date unknown 51. 5x7 photograph of Bob Lamphier (#12), Pine Cone 1966 page 118 52. 8x12 photograph of Cheerleaders 1962 Kneeling: Dee Robinson, Sunny Goronto, Betty Jo Greene, Charlotte Durden Standing: Tanya Miley, Gail Brown, Patty Clark 53. 8x12 photograph of VSC Rebel Team (1968), Pine Cone 122 &123 54. 8x12 photograph of Robert McKenney & Ron Fortner, Pine Cone 1968 55. 8x12 photograph of VSC Rebels 1967-1968, Pine Cone 1967 Back Row: Terry Ritch (Manager), Paul O'Brien (20), Bob Sockington (12), Robert McKenney (25), Dale Croft (14), John Trimnell (33), Jimmy Melvin (Coach) Kneeling: Gary Vaught (21), Tommy Morrehh (31), Gary Voohrees (23), Tom Hobbs (30), Johnny Oliver (13) 56 8x12 photograph of VSC Reblels 1967-1968, Pine Cone 1967 Left: Jimmy Melvin (Coach), Bob Sockington, Paul O'Brien, Gary Vaught, Johnny Oliver, Gary Doohrees, Tommy Morrehh, Tom Hobbs, John Trimnehh, Dale Croft, Terry Ritch (manager). Center: Robert McKenney 57. 8x12 photograph of Walter Bartee (#9), Pine Cone 1957 58. 8x12 photograph of Edward Ellis, Pine Cone 1957 59. 8x12 photograph of Ben Wood, Pine Cone 1957 60. 8x12 photograph of Hogt Harrell (#8), Pine Cone 1957 61. 8x12 photograph of Gene Wynne (#3), Pine Cone 1957 62. 8x12 photograph of Dwaine Skilis (#6), Pine Cone 1957 63. 8x12 photograph of Vann Beasley (#3), Pine Cone 1957 64. 8x12 photograph of Johnny Purvis (#7), Pine Cone 1957 65. 8x12 photograph of George Peagler (#13), Pine Cone 1957 66. 8x12 photograph of George Peagler (#13), Pine Cone 1957 67. 8x12 photograph of Jimmy Stovall (#12), Pine Cone 1957 68. 8x12 photograph of Bob Lamphier w/ the ball, Date unknown 69. 8x12 photograph of VSC Blazers (1983-1984) Front Two (left to right): Don Latson & Greg Freelove Second Row (left to right): Tommy Conley, Eric Orr, Leon Jones, Kirk Dunn, Mike Brown, Richard Richardson, Walt Webb, Lee Green, Garry Williams, Marlon Jones 70. 8x12 photograph of Ricky Martin & Tommy Bowermeister, Judo Club, Pine Cone 1973 page 236 71. 5x7 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1972 page 185, Girl batting w/ 4 people in background 72. 5x8 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1972 page 186, Man diving into pool & 10 people in background 73. 5x7 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1972 page 187, Girl playing tennis 74. 8x12 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1964 page 116, Tennis player kneeling w/ racket 75. 5x7 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1964 page 117, Spectators in background w/ cheerleader in front 76. 8x12 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1970 page 64, 3 players (#70, #65, #35) 77. 5x7 photograph unidentified, Pine Cone 1970 page 64, batter & catcher w/ cars in the background 78. 5x7 photograph of Al Stephens, Gene Cargile, & Coach Cottingham, Pine Cone 1958 page 97 79. 6x8 photograph of Kenny Alsston (#32), Pine Cone 1973 80. 3x6 photograph of LeRoy Purdy (#22), Pine Cone 1970 81. 6x7 photograph of Carlas McSwain, Pine Cone 1970 82. 6x7 photograph of Tim Dorminey (#12), Pine Cone 1973 83. 6x7 photograph of Tim Dorminey (#12), Pine Cone 1972 84. 6x7 photograph of Tiny Hodge (#34), Pine Cone 1973 page 20 85. 4x6 photograph of Willie Oxford, Pine Cone 1973 page 23 86. 6x7 photograph of Tiny Hodge (#34), Pine Cone 1973 87. 6x7 photograph of Tim Dorminey, Pine Cone 1973 page 9 88. 4x7 photograph of Willie Oxford (#10), Pine Cone 1973 89. 6x7 photograph of Tiny Hodge (#34), Pine Cone 1973 90. 6x7 photograph of Tiny Hodge (#34), Pine Cone 1973 91. 5x7 photograph of Tim Dominey. Pine Cone 1973 page 13. 92. 6x7 photograph of Tiny Hodge (#34), Pine Cone 1973. 93. 8x12 photograph of Coach Charlie Greene & Coach Gary Colson. Pine Cone 1962 page 103. 94. 7x9 photograph of Tiny Hodge (#34), Pine Cone 1973. 95. 6x10 photograph of Rig Caldwell. Pine Cone page 12, date unknown. 96. 8x12 photograph of Capt. Gene Gray (#8). Pine Cone 1955. 97. 8x12 photograph of VSC Basketball team of 1955. Campus Canopy Feb 9, 1955 page 4 1st Row (L to R): Robert McElvey, Fred Wilkerson, Charles Casey, Buck Pafford, & Ken Boyer. Standing (L to R): Gene Gray, Bill Long, Burruy Purvis, Jesse Long, Roy McQueeg, Jim Stovall, & Coach Walter Cottingham. 98. 8x12 photograph of VSC Basketball Team. Date Unknown. Manager-Glen Philps, Ron Fortner (#13), Jack Hart (#42), Don Ward (#33), Marty Lehman (#15), Dale Croft (#14), Paul O'Brien (#20), Grayson Hurley, Coach Melvin, Tommy Morrell (#10), Mike Terry (#30), Robert McKenney (#25), Bryan Phillips (#45), John Trimnell (#31), Bob Lamphier (#12), Coach Colson. Top-Gwendell McSwain. 99. 5x4 photograph of Pep Band @ a basketball game. Date Unknown. 100. 6x10 photograph unidentified. Valdosta State College Bulletin 1981-1982 1982 Bulletin page 153. Player making jumpshot w/ #30 to his left & #50 to the right. 101. 8x10 photograph unidentified. Valdosta State Basketball . Pine Cone 1956 page 90. Player making jumpshot w/ #30 to the right. 102. 7x5 photograph of Mike Perry. Date unknown. 103. 6x12 photograph unidentified. Pine Cone 1976 page 2 104. 8x12 photograph of Coach Melvin & Coach Colson. Pine Cone 1966. 105. VSC player shooting (#42)
- 1913-Present
- From the Collection: Valdosta State University (Creator, Organization)
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This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 24.00 file_cabinet_drawers
From the Collection: English
Private Title
Repository Details
Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository
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