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Binder 6: Admin Evaluations 2015

 Binder — Binder: 6
Collection number: 6

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Valdosta State University Faculty Senate serves as the mechanism for shared governance at the University and is the body to which the statutory, standing, and special committees of the Senate report.The Faculty Senate functions as the representative, deliberative, advisory, and legislative body of the General Faculty. This collection contains records and items relating to the Faculty Senate dating from the late 1970s to present day. The Faculty Senate was founded in 1991, and records prior to that date are for pre cursors of the Senate.  Many of the earlier records deal with the debates that led to the founding of the Senate. These records include: Faculty Handbooks, Annual Reports, papers relating to committees reporting to the Faculty Senate, correspondence, memos, reports, meeting minutes, and recordings of Senate meetings.


  • 1970's - present

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research


From the Collection: 32.00 Boxes

From the Collection: 4.0 binders

From the Collection: 10 Electronic Records


From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)