Interview with George E. Music Jr., July 12, 2002

Scope and Contents
Oral history interview with George E. Music Jr., July 12, 2002. Waycross (Ga.). Fieldworker: Timothy C. Prizer. Audio file digitized from 2 cassette tapes. Part of the South Georgia Folklife Project at Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections. Topics include Turpentining and the turpentine industry and trade.
Fieldworker notes: Music's voice recorded much quieter than that of the fieldworker. The interview took place on the porch of Music's mother's home, and the sounds of birds, insects, dogs, wind and his mother's voice may at times be heard.
Georgia; Oral histories; Sound recordings; Grand ole opry (Radio program); Waycross (Ga.); Music, George E. Jr., (1960-); Turpentine; Turpentining; Turpentine industry and trade; Wiregrass Country (Ga); Georgia--Satilla River;
- July 12, 2002
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
Series 8: PRJ-1010 Sounds of South Georgia
Box 19
Folder 70: VHS-1010.06 The McIntosh County Shouters may not be copied
2.24 Gigabytes (1 electronic record(s) and derivatives. 4 audio files (wav, mp3), combined. 1892992908 bytes bytes. 02:58:51. 3 PDF documents (23 scans, jp2). 2.24 GB (2,408,658,143 bytes).)
From the Collection: English
Artist Data
id_number: ADS-1002-03
last_name: Music
first_name: "George, Jr."
middle_name: E.
Call number: PRJ-1002
artist_city: Waycross
state: GA
zip: 31503
artist_county: Ware
birth date: 02/03/60
birthplace: "Clinch Memorial Hospital, Waycross, GA"
ethnicity_1: Caucasian
religion: "Christian, Baptist"
genre: "Turpentine, Personal experience narrative, occupational folklife, naval stores"
occupation: Turpentiner
date_of_contact: 07/12/02
contact_made_by: Timothy C. Prizer
notes: "Occupational folklife, Tape-recorded interview with detailed index made at George Music Rd., Waycross, GA 07/12/02. Part of Tim Prizer's initial volunteer internship with SGFP."
keywords: "Turpentine, Mayday, Echols"
Processing Information
PRJ1014-064, ADS-1002-03, CAS-1002.4.1, CAS-1002.14.2
- Music, George E., Jr., (1960-) (Interviewee, Person)
- Photograph: George E. Music Jr., July 12, 2002
- Oral history interview with George E. Music Jr., July 12, 2002 [MP3 Audio]
- Artist Data Sheet: Oral history interview with George E. Music Jr., July 12, 2002 [PDF]
- Tape Log and Transcript: Oral history interview with George E. Music Jr., July 12, 2002 [PDF]
Repository Details
Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository
Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)