Interview with the Taylor Brothers, September 12, 1999

Scope and Contents
Oral history interview with the Taylor Brothers: Clarence Taylor, CJ Taylor, Willie Taylor and Junior Taylor, September 12, 1999. Blackshear (Ga.). Fieldworker: Laurie Sommers. Audio file digitized from DAT tape(s). Part of the South Georgia Folklife Project at Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections.
Interview with the Taylor Brothers, home of Junior Taylor 9-12-99. Originally taped for the Okefenokee Music Survey, on Junior Taylor’s front porch, various brothers listening in Clarence Taylor did a lot of the talking about music CJ Taylor, Willie Taylor, Junior Taylor.
- September 12, 1999
- Sommers, Laurie Kay, 1955- (Interviewer, Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
Series 8: PRJ-1010 Sounds of South Georgia
Box 19
Folder 70: VHS-1010.06 The McIntosh County Shouters may not be copied
Biographical Note
Hailing from tiny Blackshear, Georgia, in the late 1940s, the Taylor Brothers sang in Southern churches and high school auditoriums for more than 30 years, taking their down-home brand of country gospel anywhere and everywhere. Led by C.J. Taylor Will, the group never quite broke though into gospel’s upper echelons, despite a string of stellar laid-back 45s for the eclectic Nashboro label from 1964 to 1967. The closest they came to a hit is this 45, “Mother’s Advice,” from 1965. “Mother’s Advice” has everything that makes a great gospel song – C.J.’s raspy, soulful lead voice, close-knit sibling harmonies and their distinctive loping country-gospel beat. Source
454 Megabytes (1 electronic record(s) and derivatives. 1 audio file (wav, mp3) 2103303546 bytes. 01:31:17. 2 PDF documents (32 scans, jp2). 2.52 GB (2,711,644,608 bytes).)
From the Collection: English
Tape Log
id: DAT-1002.03
item_title: Taylor Brothers interview
call_number: PRJ-1002
informant_name: "Clarence Taylor, Willie B. Taylor, C.J. Taylor,"
fieldworker: Laurie Kay Sommers
recording_engineer: Laurie Kay Sommers
date: 12-Sep-99
recording_location: "Blackshear, home of Junior Taylor"
content_summary: Interview at home of Junior Taylor regarding the Taylor Brothers experiences in gospel music and turpentining. Taylor Brothers were a group that was on the Nashboro Label in late 1960s. Clarence does most of talking but other brothers are present and chime in occasionally.
technical_summary: Recorded outside on porch.
genre: "gospel music, personal experience narrative, naval stores, occupational folklife, turpentine"
people: "Clarence Taylor, Willie B. Taylor, C. J. Taylor, Junior Taylor"
groups: African American
Processing Information
PRJ1014-067, DAT-1002.03
Brother's CJ and Junior interviewed again in 2002.
- Taylor, Junior, 1927-2004 (Interviewee, Person)
- Taylor, C.J., Rev. (Clifford James), 1930-2011 (Interviewee, Person)
- Taylor, Clarence, 1936- (Interviewee, Person)
- Taylor, Willie, 1928- (Interviewee, Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository
Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)