Interview with Joseph F. "Cayoni" Johns, February 28, 2005

Scope and Contents
Oral history interview with Joseph F. Johns "Cayoni," February 28, 2005. Peabody (Mass.). Fieldworker: Laurie Sommers. Audio file digitized from cassette tape. Part of the South Georgia Folklife Project at Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections.
Fieldworker note: Contacted Joseph Johns by phone through referral from his younger brother, Bobby Johns, initially in reference to turpentine research. Conducted interviews by phone and then received handwritten answers to questions about turpentine, and materials on his artwork, by mail. Included is photo of mask for Green Corn Ceremony. Symbolism cannot be revealed outside the culture.
"Cayoni" means "bad weather." Interview audio for January 16, 2005 missing. Handwritten notes from interview available.
- February 28, 2005
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
Series 8: PRJ-1010 Sounds of South Georgia
Box 19
Folder 70: VHS-1010.06 The McIntosh County Shouters may not be copied
798 Megabytes (1 electronic record(s) and derivatives. 1 audio files (wav, mp3) 482872208 bytes. 00:45:37. 5 PDF documents (17 scans, jp2). Includes 4 digital photographs. 798 MB (837,273,295 bytes).) : Made available in DSpace on 2022-06-08T18:28:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 dat-1002-019.mp3: 65606517 bytes, checksum: b8b0c19902baf5844aa7919b726f959d (MD5) ads-1002-09.pdf: 365599 bytes, checksum: f509a486953e91f9021087f441b49c93 (MD5) tapelog-and-transcript.pdf: 133162 bytes, checksum: 9c839bec661011200589f20ef9458891 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-28
From the Collection: English
Artist Data Sheet
id_number: ADS-1002-09
last_name: Johns
first_name: Joseph
middle_name: F.
nickname: Cayoni (bad weather)
Call number: PRJ-1002
address: 7
artist_city: W. Peabody
state: MA
zip: 1960
birthplace: South Georgia
ethnicity_1: Creek
ethnicity_2: Scots
genre: "Turpentine, personal experience narrative, occupational folklife, naval stores"
occupation: "police, ret. military, Indian artist in residence"
education: HS equivalence
date_of_contact: 01/16/05
contact_made_by: Laurie K. Sommers
notes: "Contacted Joseph Johns by phone through referral from his younger brother, Bobby Johns, initially in reference to turpentine research. Conducted interviews by phone and then received handwritten answers to questions about turpentine, and materials on his artwork, by mail. Included is photo of mask for Green Corn Ceremony. Symbolism cannot be revealed outside the culture.
Grandfather Tahoma passed on knowledge on how to make these masks; Joseph Johns is reportedly the last to have this knowledge. Family grew up in South Georgia working in the woods. Has been Indian artist in residence at Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Fellowship Award in the Folk Arts Category, Massachusetts Arts Council, 1988"
keywords: "shaman, woodcarver, Creek ceremonial masks, traditional Creek carving methods, Muskhogean Creek Carver"
Processing Information
PRJ1014-076, ADS-1002-09, VF-1002.32, VF-1002.30, VF-1002.31, DAT-1002.15, DAT-1002.19
Vertical files not digitized.
DAT-1002-15a and 15b seem to be DAT-1002-19 going by Tape Log, recorded Feb 28, 2005. Where is first interview? DAT-1002-19 missing, or mislabeled? Tape log references "part 1", no part 2?
- Sommers, Laurie Kay, 1955- (Interviewer, Person)
- Johns, Joseph F., "Cayoni", 1928-2020 (Interviewee, Person)
- Photograph: Joseph F. Johns "Cayoni," October 17, 2008 [JPG]
- Oral history interview with Joseph F. Johns "Cayoni," February 28, 2005 [Audio File]
- Tape Log and Transcript: Oral history interview with Joseph F. Johns "Cayoni," February 28, 2005 [PDF]
- Artist Data Sheet: Oral history interview with Joseph F. Johns, January 16, 2005 [PDF]
Repository Details
Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository
Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)