Berserkrgangr (RCE), Issue #3, Midsummer, 1994
Content Description
VHS Tapes, periodicals
- Publication: 1994
- Lale, Erin, 1969- (Editor, Person)
- Ravenskald (Author, Person)
- Lale, Erin, 1969- (Author, Person)
- Coman-Lugar, Sven (Author, Person)
- Strikebreaker, Luke (Author, Person)
- Skaðadóttir, Gunnvör (Author, Person)
- Lale, Jay, 1959- (Author, Person)
- Yaswen, Gordon (Author, Person)
- Graves, Pamela K. (Author, Person)
From the Collection: 2 Boxes (VHS tapes, cassette tapes, periodicals, ephemera)
From the Collection: English
[Untitled]. Incipit: Life everyone I am victim / poem by Ravenskald (p.1)
"Natural Cure for Asthma" ; Includes Reader Survey Update (p.2)
"Sing of a Sword / poem by Paul Edwin Zimmer (p.3)
Of Note: Garman Lord as berserker ; Diana Paxson's The Wolf and the Raven ; "Changer's Fire" on the tape Alchemy is about Werewolves (p.4)
"Rita the Apprentice, part 2" / by Erin Lale (p.5)
[Untitled]. Incipit: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall / poem by Sven Coman-Lugar (p.6)
"The ravens" / poem by Paul Edwin Zimmer (p.6)
[Untitled]. Incipit: Warriors do not dwell in Hel / poem by Ravenskald (p.7)
"Allergy Research" / by Luke Strikebreaker (p.8)
Letters to the editor (p.9)
Editor's Musing: Greeked Out (p.10)
"Berserkers: The Bare Facts" / by Gunnvör Skaðadóttir (p.11-13)
"Berserkers and Hypoglycemia" / by Erin Lale (p.14-15)
"Shape-Shifting with a Mirror" (p.15)
"From a Nightwatch Notebook" / by Jay Lale (p.16)
"Night-Seed" / poem by gordon yaswen (p.17)
"Fear" / short story by Pamela K. Graves (p.18-32)
"Quests" / poem by gordon yasmen (p.3 of cover)
The Once Unknown Familiar: Shamanic Paths to Unleash Your Animal Powers"/ by Timothy Roderick (p.4)
"Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Animals Great and Small by Ted Andrews (Llewellyn) (p.4)
"The Un-Review" on Jack Nicholson's movie "The Wolf" (p.16)
Freya's Folk Publications List
The Serpent's Tail (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Luke Strikebreaker's recording Cinnamon and Bitter Chocolate
"Théod Magazine (Watertown, N.Y.)
Call for Papers on Shamaic Shapeshifting
"Sacred Serpent (Etobicoke, Ontario)"
- Allergy
- Andrews, Ted, 1952-
- Berserkers
- Exercise-induced asthma
- Fear -- Fiction
- Freya’s Folk -- Advertisement
- Heathenry (Germanic paganism)
- Humpty Dumpty (Fictitious character) -- Poetry
- Hypoglycemia
- Mead halls -- Poetry
- Ravens -- Poetry
- Roderick, Timothy, 1963-
- Sacred Serpent (Etobicoke, Ontario) -- Advertisements
- Self-actualization (Psychology) -- Poetry
- Serpent's Tale (Milwaukee, Wisc.) -- Advertisements
- Shapeshifting
- Short Stories
- Swords -- Poetry
- Théod (Watertown, N.Y.) -- Advertisements
- Warriors -- Poetry
- Wolf (Motion picture)
Repository Details
Part of the Valdosta State University Archives and Special Collections Repository
Valdosta State University Archives, Odum Library
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta GA 30601 United States
229-259-5055 (Fax)