Iron Mountain: A Journal of Magical Religion, v.1, no.4, Spring, 1986
- Publication: 1986
- Artemisia Press (Colorado Springs, Colo.) (Publisher, Organization)
- Clifton, Chas S. (Editor of compilation, Person)
- Currier-Clifton, Mary (Editor of compilation, Person)
- Crank, John (Editor of compilation, Person)
- Valiente, Doreen (Author, Person)
- Metzger, Deena (Author, Person)
- Dow, Carol L. (Author, Person)
- Dow, Carol L. (Photographer, Person)
1 Electronic Records : 2 unnumbered pages, 40 pages, 2 unnumbered pages
The final issue of Iron Mountain, published while Chas S. Clifton was in graduate school.
Production credits
Chas S. Clifton, Mary Currier-Clifton, editors ; John Crank, contributing editor
On the Slopes of Iron Mountain (p.2)
Letters: from Doreen Valiente (p.3-4)
Re-Vamping the World: On the Return of the Holy Prostitute / by Deena Metzger. A paper first delivered to The House of Women: A Conference of Feminist Art and Culture in the Eighties at California State University at Long Beach (p.5-13)
Magical Religion Pervades Brazil / by Carol Dow, PhD. Covers Spiritism, Umbanda, and Terreiros (p.15-28)
Iron Mountain Two-Year Index. Volume One: 1984-86 (p.39-40)
[Untited] Photograph of an altar in Brazil by Carol Dow. Caption reads: The blending of elements from several traditions is apparent in the furnishing of the altar (p.20)
[Untitled] Photograph of an offering by Carol Dow. Caption reads: Food, flowers and candles are offered to Yemanjá on a beach in Rio de Janeiro (p.21)
[Untitled] Photograph of worshippers by Carol Dow. Caption reads: White-clad worshippers gather on Rio beach for festival of Yemanjá (p.22)
Straight with the Medicine: Narratives of Wahoe Followers of the Tipi Way as told to Warren L. d'Azevedo (Berkeley, CA: Heydey Books) (p.29-30)
Dancers to the Gods: The Magical Records of Charles Seymour amd Christine Hartley, 1937-1939 edited and introduced by Alan Richardson (Wellingborough, Northhampshire, UK: Aquarian Press) (p.30-31)
Deviance and Moral Boundaries: Witchcraft, the Occult Science Fiction, Deviant Science and Scientists by Nachman Ben-Yehuda (Chicago: University of Chicago Press) (p.31-32)
Magical Blend, San Francisco, California (p.32)
Shaman's Drum: A Journal of Experimental Shamanism, Cross-Cultural Shamanism Network (p.32)
Gnosis: A Journal of the Western Inner Traditions, Lumen Foundation, San Francisco, California (p.33-34)
Shaman's Notes, Church of Seven Arrows. Three volumes: 1. Personal Power: Development-Use-Maintenance ; 2. Structure of Complete Belief Systems ; 3. Personal Rite, Ritual, Ceremony (p.34)
The Kwan Yin Book of Changes by Diane Stein (St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications) (p.35-36)
Don Juan, Mescalito and Modern Magic: The Mythology of Inner Space by Nevil Drury (London: Arkana) (p.36-37)
The Witches' Qabala. Book 1, The Goddess and the Tree by Ellen Cannon Reed (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications) (p.37)
The Sacred Paw: The Bear in Nature, Myth and Literature by Paul Shepard and Barry Sanders (New York: Viking Penguin) (p.37-38)
An Asatru Anthology (Breckenridge, Tex.: Asatru Free Assembly) (p.38)
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications)
Fly by Night Crafts (Eugene, Or.) (p.2 of cover)
Metaphysical Isis (Denver, Colo.) (p.2 of cover)
Magical Blend Magazine (San Francisco, Calif.) (p.[41])
Directory listing
Other Publications of Interest to Iron Mountain Readers
The Cauldron:A Pagan Journal of Wicca and the Old Religion, Mike Howard, Dyfed, Wales (p.[41])
Circle Network News a quarterly publication for Witches and Magicians, Mount Horeg, Wisconsin (p.[41])
The Llewellyn New Times, St. Paul, Minnesota, New Age newspaper and catalog on astrology, magic, occult, and New Age books, tapes, and services (p.[41])
Harvest, South Framingham, Massachusetts, a neopagan journal devoted to bringing together the fruits of many traditions and belief systems as well as covering news of interest to the Pagan and Wiccan community (p.[41])
Kindred Spirits Quarterly, New South Wales, Australia, aims to present modern Paganism to environmentalists, and similarly, environmental issues which relate to the ideals of practicing Pagans (p.[41])
Pagana, San Jose, California, newsletter of the Pagan-Occult-Witchcraft Special Interest Group of Mensa (p.[42])
Panegyria, Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Index Washington, a Pagan newsletter (p.[42])
The Runestone, the official publication of the Asatru Free Assembly, Breckenridge, Texas (p.[42])
Wildfire, the magazine of the Bear Tribe Medicine Society, replacing Many Smokes (p.[42])
- Asatru Free Assembly -- Reviews
- Ben-Yehuda, Nachman -- Reviews
- Book reviews
- Brazil -- Religion
- Candomblé (Religion)
- Cauldron (London, England) -- Directory listing
- Church of Seven Arrows -- Reviews
- Church of Seven Arrows -- Reviews
- Church of Seven Arrows
- Circle Network News -- Directory listing
- Cunningham, Scott, 1956-1993
- D'Azevedo, Warren L. -- Reviews
- Drury, Nevill, 1947-2013 -- Reviews
- Fly by Night (Eugene, Or.) -- Advertisements
- Gardnerian (Wiccan sect) -- History
- Gnosis (San Francisco, Calif.) -- Reviews
- Harvest (South Framingham, Mass.) -- Directory listing
- Indexes
- Iron Mountain (Colorado Springs, Colo.) -- Indexes
- Kindred Spirits Quarterly -- Directory listing
- Llewellyn New Times -- Directory listing
- Magical Blend Magazine -- Advertisements
- Magical blend magazine -- Reviews
- Metaphysical Isis (Denver, Colo.) -- Advertisements
- Pagana (San Jose, Calif.) -- Directory listing
- Panegyria (Seattle, Wash.) -- Directory listing
- Reed, Ellen Cannon, 1943-2003 -- Reviews
- Richardson, Alan, 1951-
- Runestone (Turlock, Calif.) -- Directory listing
- Sacred prostitution
- Shaman's drum (Berkeley, Calif.) -- Reviews
- Shepard, Paul, 1925-1996 -- Reviews
- Spiritism -- Brazil
- Stein, Diane, 1948- -- Reviews
- Umbanda (Cult)
- Wildfire (Spokane, Wash.) -- Directory listing
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