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Contains 30 Results:

DVD-1002.07 Turpentine-Gillis Carter Edited, 05-Jun-04

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 25
Collection number: Folder 25
Scope and Contents

Equipment Used:Tim Prizer

Informant Name:Bill Muntz




Content Summary:

Notes:turpentine, naval stores, occupational folklife

Technical Summary:Willacoochee

Genre:Gillis Carter

Places:European American




Dates: Created: 05-Jun-04

DVD-1002.08 Turpentine- "End of an Era"

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 26
Collection number: Folder 26
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Informant Name:Fieldworker:Soperton, GAEngineer:See Georgia Forestry Magazine's article End of an Era, in collection.Location:See Georgia Forestry Magazine's article End of an Era, in collection.Content Summary:Notes:occupational folklife, turpentine, naval storesTechnical Summary:Soperton, Treutlen County, Soperton Naval StoresGenre:Major Phillips, Jim Gillis...
Dates: 1996 - 2006

VHS-1002.01 Turpentine "End of an Era", 01-Jul-01

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 27
Collection number: Folder 27
Scope and Contents

Equipment Used:

Informant Name:




Content Summary:


Technical Summary:






Dates: Created: 01-Jul-01

VHS-1002.02 Entrepreneurs of Georgia Programs 1-4

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 28
Collection number: Folder 28
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Bill MuntzInformant Name:Fieldworker:Valdosta, VSUEngineer:Any consent forms or other documentation would be with the SIFE program. Original digital tape with Bill Muntz, VSU Satellite Services.Location:Any consent forms or other documentation would be with the SIFE program. Original digital tape with Bill Muntz, VSU Satellite Services.Content Summary:Good.Notes:local history, personal experience...
Dates: 1996 - 2006

VHS-1002.03 Spirits of the Pines

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 29
Collection number: Folder 29
Scope and Contents

Equipment Used:Al Ike

Informant Name:




Content Summary:Good

Notes:occupational folklife, naval stores, turpentine

Technical Summary:Homerville

Genre:Lloyd Powell

Places:African American, European American

People:cooper, quarters



Dates: 1996 - 2006

DAT-1002.08 Willie White Jr., July 15, 2003

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 6
Collection number: Folder 6
Scope and Contents Name of person(s) interviewed: Willie White, Jr.Fieldworker: Timothy C. PrizerDate of interview: 15 July 2003Location of interview: Solid Rock Holiness Church in Hoboken, GeorgiaOther people present: For a short time, a woman and her son and daughter (all members of the congregation) joined White and the fieldworker in the otherwise vacant sanctuary. The young boy is in his early teens, and he plays keyboards and drums during Sunday services....
Dates: July 15, 2003

DAT-1002.09 L.A. "Stick" Nelson interview, July 10, 2003

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 7
Collection number: Folder 7
Scope and Contents id: DAT-1002.09item_title: L.A. ‘Stick’ Nelson interviewcall_number: PRJ-1002project_title: ;equipment_used: Tascam DATinformant_name: L.A. ‘Stick’ Nelsonfieldworker: LeRoy Hendersonrecording_engineer: LeRoy Hendersondate: 10-Jul-03recording_location: Nashvillecontent_summary: First of two interviews with Nelson regarding his life experience, focusing on turpentining....
Dates: July 10, 2003

DAT-1002.7.1 Gillis Carter Stills for Tools Video

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 5
Collection number: Folder 5
Scope and Contents

Equipment Used:

Informant Name:




Content Summary:


Technical Summary:Genre:





Dates: 1996 - 2006

DVD-1002.01 Harley Langdale Jr. interview, 05-May-03

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 17
Collection number: Folder 17
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Laurie SommersInformant Name:Bill MuntzFieldworker:Valdosta, VSU Continuing Education BuildingEngineer:Full transcription in file; this is too large to put online. This session also recorded on DAT-1002.05.1Location:Full transcription in file; this is too large to put online. This session also recorded on DAT-1002.05.1Content Summary:Good.Notes:Personal experience narratives, naval stores...
Dates: Created: 05-May-03

DVD-1002.02 Harley Langdale Jr. Archives Interview, 05-May-03

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 18
Collection number: Folder 18
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Laurie SommersInformant Name:Bill MuntzFieldworker:Valdosta, Continuing Education BuildingEngineer:Complete transcription in file. This session is also recorded on DAT-1002.5.2Location:Complete transcription in file. This session is also recorded on DAT-1002.5.2Content Summary:GoodNotes:turpentine, naval stores, forestry, natural medicineTechnical Summary:ValdostaGenre:Harley Langdale, Jr....
Dates: Created: 05-May-03

DVD-1002.03 Harley Langdale Jr. Archives Interview, 05-May-03

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 19
Collection number: Folder 19
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Laurie SommersInformant Name:Bill MuntzFieldworker:Valdosta, VSU Continuing EducationEngineer:Full transcription is available, but too long to place online. This session also recorded on DAT-1002.05.3Location:Full transcription is available, but too long to place online. This session also recorded on DAT-1002.05.3Content Summary:GoodNotes:personal experience narrativesTechnical...
Dates: Created: 05-May-03

DVD-1002.04.1 Turpentine at Agrirama #1 of 2, 10-Apr-04

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 20
Collection number: Folder 20
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Laurie SommersInformant Name:Bill MuntzFieldworker:Tifton, Georgia AgriramaEngineer:Location:Content Summary:goodNotes:naval stores, turpentine, ocupational folklife, festivalTechnical Summary:Tifton, Georgia AgriramaGenre:John Johnson, Grady Williams, David King, George VarnPlaces:European AmericanPeople:fire still, still firingGroups:...
Dates: Created: 10-Apr-04

DVD-1002.04.2 Turpentine at Agrirama #2 of 2, 10-Apr-04

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 21
Collection number: Folder 21
Scope and Contents

Equipment Used:Laurie Sommers

Informant Name:Bill Muntz

Fieldworker:Georgia Agrirama, Tifton



Content Summary:good

Notes:naval stores, occupational folklife, festival

Technical Summary:Tifton, Georgia Agrirama

Genre:George Varn, Grady Williams, John Johnson, David King


People:still firing, fire still



Dates: Created: 10-Apr-04

DVD-1002.06.1 Turpentine-Gillis Carter #1 of 2, 05-Jun-04

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 23
Collection number: Folder 23
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Tim PrizerInformant Name:Bill MuntzFieldworker:WillacoocheeEngineer:Raw footage for Faces of Piney Woods turpentine website.Location:Raw footage for Faces of Piney Woods turpentine website.Content Summary:Good.Notes:occupational folklife, naval stores, turpentineTechnical Summary:WillacoocheeGenre:Gillis CarterPlaces:European AmericanPeople:Groups:...
Dates: Created: 05-Jun-04

DVD-1002.06.2 Turpentine-Gillis Carter #2 of 2, 05-Jun-04

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 24
Collection number: Folder 24
Scope and Contents

Equipment Used:Tim Prizer

Informant Name:Bill Muntz


Engineer:Location:Content Summary:

Notes:occupational folklife, naval stores, turpentine

Technical Summary:Willacoochee

Genre:Gillis Carter





Dates: Created: 05-Jun-04

DAT-1002.16 Major Phillips interview, January 25, 2004

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 13
Collection number: Folder 13
Scope and Contents id: DAT-1002.16item_title: Major Phillips interviewcall_number: PRJ-1002project_title: Turpentineinformant_name: Major Phillipsfieldworker: LeRoy Hendersonrecording_engineer: LeRoy Hendersondate: 25-Jan-04recording_location: Adriancontent_summary: Interview with Phillips about his life farming, turpentining, and gathering last barrel of domestic turpentine for Soperton Naval Stores....
Dates: January 25, 2004

DAT-1002.17 Interview with Anthrom Green, January 19, 2004

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 14
Collection number: Folder 14
Scope and Contents id: DAT-1002.17item_title: Interview with Anthrom Greencall_number: PRJ-1002project_title: Turpentineinformant_name: Anthrom Greenfieldworker: LeRoy Hendersonrecording_engineer: LeRoy Hendersondate: 19-Jan-04recording_location: Jacksonville, FLcontent_summary: Interview is a description of the life and times of Mr. Anthrom L. Green as a worker in the turpentine camps in and around...
Dates: January 19, 2004

DAT-1002.20 L.A. Stick Nelson #2, September 10, 2003

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 16
Collection number: Folder 16
Scope and Contents item_title: L.A. Stick Nelson #2call_number: PRJ-1002project_title: ;equipment_used: Tascam DATinformant_name: L.A. Stick Nelsonfieldworker: LeRoy Hendersonrecording_engineer: LeRoy Hendersondate: 10-Sep-03recording_location: Nashvillecontent_summary: Continuation of a tape session begun over a series of days in July and August, 2003, regarding Nelson's life experiences, focusing on...
Dates: September 10, 2003

DVD-1002.05 Turpentine at Agirama Edited, 10-Apr-04

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 22
Collection number: Folder 22
Scope and Contents Equipment Used:Laurie SommersInformant Name:Bill MuntzFieldworker:Georgia Agrirama, TiftonEngineer:Footage for Faces of Piney Woods Turpentine Still Firing website.Location:Footage for Faces of Piney Woods Turpentine Still Firing website.Content Summary:goodNotes:occupational folklife, festival, naval stores, turpentineTechnical Summary:Georgia Agrirama, TiftonGenre:John Johnson, David King,...
Dates: Created: 10-Apr-04

DAT-1002.01 Alton Carter and Elliott West Interview, February 1, 1998

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 1
Collection number: Folder 1
Scope and Contents item_title: Alton Carter and Elliott West Interviewcall_number: PRJ-1002project_title:equipment_used:informant_name:fieldworker: Laurie Kay Sommersrecording_engineer: Laurie Kay Sommersdate: 02/01/98recording_location: Folkstoncontent_summary: "Interview with Alton Carter, boss, and Elliott West, his worker for many years, on West's front porch. The two reminisce about the turpentine...
Dates: February 1, 1998