Box 12
Contains 97 Results:
Dugald to Rosa 1960-1977, 3-9-1977
To:Strickland, Rosa (Valdosta, GA)
From:Hudson, Leona (Atlanta, GA)
Names in the Letter:Jan; Emily; Nelle, Pat; Mitchell; Ida Lee; Herta
Description:Leona sent a card to her mother talking about an animal named Jan and how the flowers are starting to bloom, and how she has started to write people again.
Original Label:Jan came to us in Jan of 1977
Dugald to Rosa 1960-1977, 10-7-1964
Series 1: Letters
Box 12: Dugald
Folder 1
Dugald 1946-1958, 1-4-1946
To:Strickland, Will; Strickland, Rosa (Valdosta, GA)
From:Hudson, Leona; Hudson, Dugald (Danville, VA)
Names in the Letter:Dugald; Anne; Michelle; William; Edward
Description:Leona and Dugald are traveling from outside Louisiana and make their way to Charlotte.
Original Label:
Dugald 1946-1958, 12-4-1955
To:Strickland, Will
From:Hudson, Dugald
Names in the Letter:Strickland, Rosa
Description:Dugald is sending Rosa and Will a thank you card for supper the weekend before.
Original Label:
Dugald 1946-1958, 0-0-0
To:Strickland, Rosa
From:Nolan, Mollie
Names in the Letter:Mr. and Mrs. Thompson; Hudson, Dugald and Leona; Thurmond; Marshall, P.; Dot; Noel; Jean; Sugar; Billy
Description:Mollie wrote at the top of the letter: "Just destory those two letters I sent sometime ago."
Original Label:
Dugald 1946-1958, 0-0-0
To:Strickland, Rosa
From:Sharpe, Alvice (Jasper, AL)
Names in the Letter:Margaret; Scott
Description:Friday noon; Alice spent time with Leona and caught up with news of her parents.
Original Label:
Folder 2
Folder 3
Dugald 1958-1962, 5-1-1958
To:Hudson, Leona (Valdosta, GA)
From:Hudson, Dugald (Fort McClellan, AL)
Names in the Letter:
Description:Just a Birthday Card sent to Leona by Dugald. Basically it stating how happy and grateful he is that Will and Rosa gave birth to her.
Original Label:Letters from Dugald Fort McClellan 1958 - Atlanta 1958
Dugald 1958-1962, 5-7-1958
To:Hudson, Leona (Valdosta, GA)
From:Hudson, Dugald (Fort McClellan, AL)
Names in the Letter:Addein, Bill ?
Description:A letter written by Dugald talking about his trip back to the base after his visit with Leona that weekend. He talks about the weather and how he plans on dining with Bill Addein the next day.
Original Label:
Dugald 1953, 3-15-1953
To:Hudson, Leona (Heidelberg, Germany)
From:Hudson, Dugald (Paris, France)
Names in the Letter:Frank; Aileen, Col. Chuck; Meredith; Allen
Description:Dugald is writing about a case he is working on and thinks it will take longer than he expected.
Original Label:Some of Dugalds letters to me - and some other letters that I saved- Income Tax School 1953
Dugald 1946-1958, 1-24-1954
To:Strickland, Will; Strickland, Rosa (Valdosta, GA)
From:Hudson, Dugald (Charlottesville, VA)
Names in the Letter:Hunter, Rob; Hunter, Mac
Description:Dugald is telling Rosa he used the wrong chemicals to develop some photographs, and he got to eat and go to Sunday school with the Hunters.
Original Label:Dugalds portrait with his picture
Dugald 1946-1958, 0-0-0
Names in the Letter:
Description:Georgia State University Holiday Luncheon invitation; handwritten notes on back
Original Label:
Folder 4
Dugald 1949-1960, 4-10-1949
Dugald 1949-1960, 2-13-1950
To:Hudson, Leona (Alexandria, VA)
From:Hudson, Dugald
Names in the Letter:Judge Hood; Thompson, Dr. H.H.
Description:Mock newspaper that Dugald wrote, and a Valentine's Day card
Original Label:Valentine letter from Dugald also \"Hudson Herald\"
Dugald 1949-1960, 2-23-1957
To:Hudson, Leona
From:hudson, Dugald (Seoul Korea)
Names in the Letter:
Description:Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Walker Hudson name card; card envelope labeled \"To Leona not to be opened until 28 Dec 56\"; A Christmas and happy new year card to Leona from Dugald b/c he couldn\'t find a Happy Anniversary card in Tokyo; a letter from Dugald to Leona dated Feb 23 1957, Seoul Korea.
Original Label: