Covenant of the Goddess
- Existence: 1975-10-31
Parallel Names
- CoG
Founded in 1975 as an advocacy organization that seeks to foster cooperation amongst Wiccans and Witches; to secure legal protection; to provide education through outreach and to nurture its members through dialog and community; incorporated as a non-profit religious organization in California
[1980]: P.O. Box 3716, Stanford, CA 94305 c/o Alison Harlow
Found in 10 Collections and/or Records:
Article: Message from the Editor, Alison Harlow, 1979
ALison Harlow's introduction provides an overview of the Newsletter, its subscription criteria, and her address to contact her
[Article]: "The Pantheacon Community: Spotlight on the Charity Auction" , 2007
Gives a brief history of the auctions and who the proceeds go to
[Directory Listing]: [Groups with contact information], 1980
A short list of groups and their publications with contact informatiom
[Event]: "Hospitality Rooms and Saturday Schedule", 2007
A list of hospitality rooms and their sponsors
Folder 11. Newsletter (Covenant of the Goddess), 1979
The communication organ of the Covenant of the Goddess. Published 13 times a year on the full moon
M. Macha NightMare Collection
Obsolete Media: Cassettes, VHS tapes; name badges (lanyards) from various festivals
[Mention]: [Issac Bonewits Comments on John Todd], 1978
Deborah Bender of Convenant of the Goddess shared Issac Bonewits information.
John Todd wrote to the A.A.D.L. in 1974 claiming he was being harrassed in his local community for the a public Witch
Bonewits investigation found:
1. John Todd is not a Witch
2. His word was not to be trusted
3. He has garnered support by providing misinformation of activities, which are actually not representative of the Craft
Newsletter (Covenant of the Goddess), v.4, no.4, January=Full Moon, 1979
This newsletter is the official organ of the Covenant of the Goddess. P.O. Box 1226, Berkeley, CA 94704
[R.T. News], August 5, 1985
[Section]: "COG goes National 1983", 2022
Kelly gives information on how Covenant of the Goddess evoloved out of being Californians only to a national organization thanks to Ginny Brubaked and Dave Norman of the Temple of the Pagan Way