Castle Rising (Firm)
Found in 195 Collections and/or Records:
"Castle Keep: Law of Three - All Things Come in Three", 1980
Reprinted from v.3, no.2,[1980] of A Pagan renaissance, p.32 and used as a flier used for advertising the publication
Castle Rising Newsletter, [December, 1977?]
This issue of Castle Rising Newsletter provides information for upcoming spring events up to fall 1978 plans.
Castle Rising Newsletter, April, 1979
The newsletter for the metaphysicall store Castle Rising
Castle Rising Newsletter, February, [1978?]
This issue of Castle Rising Newsletter lacks any chronology and enumeration but content places it in February of 1978.
Castle Rising Newsletter, February, 1979
The second issue of Castle Rising's Newsletter explores the health of the store.
Castle Rising Newsletter, January, 1979
The first known issue of the Castle Rising Newsletter issued from their new location in Denver, Colorado
Castle Rising Newsletter, March, 1979
Castle Rising Newsletter for March 1979 was issued post-Spring Equinox. Castle Rising wishes everyone a vibrarnt spring.
[Directory]: [Untitled: Businesses and Publications], 1978
Three businesses and one publication are described with contact information
[Editorial], [February 1978?]
The opening of the newsletter thanks everyone for the positive response to The Color Book
[Editorial]: [Announces the plan to publish Castle Rising Presents A Pagan Renaissance], 1978
Castle Rising explains the purpose of the newsletter and the need to create a publication with 'Depth and exploration that goes beyound the scope of a newsletter"
[Editorial]: [Castle Rising is Moving] , 1978
Castle Rising states they have outgrown their space and moving
[Editorial]: [Castle Rising Plans], [1977?]
The editorial opening describes the interesting the occult information the store and the publication would provides. Received mail with questions were overwhelming and much cannot be answered throught his medium. The solution is the first in a series of publication, The Book of Rituals, Charms and Enchantments, which was named The Color Book upon publication.
[Editorial]: [Castle Rising Plans], [1977?]
The editorial opening describes the interesting the occult information the store and the publication would provides. Received mail with questions were overwhelming and much cannot be answered throught his medium. The solution is the first in a series of publication, The Book of Rituals, Charms and Enchantments, which was named The Color Book upon publication.
[Editorial]: [News for the Summer Solstice] , 1978
The beginning of the "Growing Time" and Summer Solstice aslo brings news of Castle Rising Presents A Pagan Renaissance's completion and is ready to be sent to the printers to be on sale June 10
[Editorial]: [[Spring Equinox, May Day Energy], 1978
The editorial provides informat on the energy current of the Spring Equinox, Midnight of May Eve, Mady Day and the celebrations that occur.
[Editorial]: [We start this newsletter with a Special Thank you!], [1978?]
The Dixon's express their thanks for the great reception to their publication, The Color Book
Flier for Magickal Days Calendar, 1981-1982, 1981
Announcement for the release of the 1981-1982 Magickal Days Calendar covering March 20, 1981 thru March 19, 1982
Folder 2. Castle Rising (Jo & James Dixon), 1978 - 1981
Castle Rising was metaphysical store in Aurora, Colorado.
Folder 8. Castle Rising Newsletter, 1977 - 1979
[Illustration]: "Black Handled Athame" , 1978
A drawing or photograph of the Black Handled Athame sold by Castle Rising